
September 12, 2024

4 mins

All In on AI: This Week in Artificial Intelligence

Hello Niuralogists!

Welcome to this week’s edition, where we dive into the latest advancements in artificial intelligence. We’ll explore how these innovations are shaping various aspects of our lives—from the workplace and business to policies and personal experiences. This issue highlights some fascinating updates, including Michael Dell addressing AI market concerns, Salesforce's industry-specific AI tools, Tesla's new wireless charging technology, AI evaluating video games, and more.

For more in-depth coverage, keep reading…

Google’s AlphaProteo Creates Novel Proteins, Potentially Accelerating Disease Research

AlphaProteo is a new AI system designed to create custom proteins that can bind to specific target molecules, which could speed up research in medicine, biology, and more. Unlike previous tools that predict the shape of proteins, AlphaProteo can design new proteins that bind tightly to important molecules involved in diseases like cancer and COVID-19. In tests on seven proteins linked to diseases, AlphaProteo outperformed existing methods by making proteins that bind with higher affinities and success rates. This could help scientists develop new drugs, improve diagnostic tests, and even create better ways to fight diseases. While AlphaProteo shows great promise, it still has limitations, such as struggling with especially difficult targets like those related to autoimmune diseases. Read more in Google’s whitepaper.

Source: Pexels

Salesforce Introduces Pre-Built AI to Transform Industry Operations

Salesforce has launched Industries AI, integrating over 100 customizable AI tools across 15 industry-specific clouds to streamline tasks such as inventory management, patient services, and recruitment. Built on Salesforce’s Data Cloud and secured by the Einstein Trust Layer, these AI capabilities cater to unique industry needs. Notable examples include AI tools for clinical trial matching in healthcare and vehicle performance monitoring in automotive. Industries AI aims to accelerate digital transformation for organizations like Boys and Girls Clubs of America and AAA by providing scalable, pre-built AI solutions that enhance efficiency and service delivery. Features will roll out between October 2024 and February 2025.

Tesla Reveals New Charging Technology for Its Autonomous Vehicles

This Tesla patent describes a wireless charging system for vehicles that adjusts charging parameters based on environmental factors. It aims to enhance the performance of wireless charging systems for electric vehicles. If successful, technologies such as this could eliminate the need for humans to manually plug in electric vehicles, allowing autonomous vehicles to run 24/7.

Source: Pexels

Michael Dell Sees Strong AI Demand Despite Market Concerns

Dell Technologies CEO Michael Dell downplayed concerns about a slowdown in AI spending, emphasizing strong demand for AI technologies. Speaking at the Citi TMT conference, he acknowledged short-term fluctuations but highlighted the long-term growth opportunities across sectors from hyperscalers to retail and manufacturing. Dell's AI-related sales surged in the second quarter, securing $3.1 billion in AI server sales, a significant increase from the previous quarter. The company’s Infrastructure Solutions Group also grew 38%, while PC and laptop sales declined. Dell believes businesses are recognizing AI's potential to enhance productivity and efficiency.

AI-Driven Evaluation of Video Game Level Design

The University of London study explores the use of exploratory AI agents to evaluate procedurally generated video game levels. The study compares levels from two different content generators, one producing engaging levels with varied layouts and interactive elements, and the other generating unengaging levels with fewer objects and simpler design. Results show that the exploratory agents successfully differentiate between the two types of levels, offering valuable feedback for game designers. This research contributes to AI-driven game design by providing a systematic way to optimize levels for exploration, potentially enhancing player experience.


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What are the implications of X's AI practices?

X has agreed to stop using EU citizens' data for its Grok AI following a court case initiated by Ireland's Data Protection Commissioner (DPC). The platform had been automatically opting in European users to allow Grok AI to utilize their posts for training purposes without consent. The DPC raised concerns that this practice could violate individuals' rights. While the DPC refrained from making an immediate ruling, it referred the issue to the European Data Protection Board to establish broader regulations on AI's use of personal data across Europe.

Are self-driving cars better than humans?

A review of Waymo’s crash data reveals that human drivers are primarily responsible for the majority of serious collisions involving its autonomous vehicles. With over 22 million miles driven, Waymo’s driverless cars have reported fewer than one injury-causing crash per million miles, a rate significantly lower than that of human drivers. Most of Waymo's severe crashes (16 out of 23) involved human-driven cars rear-ending a Waymo vehicle. Three other serious accidents occurred when human drivers ran red lights and struck a Waymo. According to this data, Waymo’s driverless technology experiences fewer injury-causing and airbag-triggering crashes compared to human drivers.


🎨 Meshy 4  converts text or 2D images into 3D assets

🎥 Hailuo AI generates 720p, 6-second videos from text prompts

🚀 Polymet designs and develops your product ideas

🧠 Focus Buddy is an AI productivity coach for people with ADHD

🤖 All Hands AI is an Open-source AI agent to tackle developers ‘backlog’ tasks

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